Thursday, October 21, 2010

Atelier Vanira

Trying to start re-decorating my house by doing it bits by bits. As big projects needs big fund and time, I will try starting on the small ones as a warm-up. Maybe this will help me to focus and find out what I really want so as to gather everything into one!!
So here is the first piece of interior I bought which I like it very much. It is from 'Atelier Vanira', a lady I knew from 'twitter'. It was not an expensive art piece, but the lady who made it really loves what she does, which is what made it very special and neat. All are hand made with very good taste. Especially for the little sewing machine ornament, which is my favorite!! Exchange conversations on 'twitter' just lets me to know more about her. Knowing someone and her obsess on what she does allows you to understand more about her work, where you can really feel the power within the art piece. Looking through this little piece of art just makes me stop by to enjoy the moment of the day.
なので、'Atelier Vanira'さんの作品を購入しました。彼女とは'twitter'で知り合え、彼女の趣味や情熱も写真や会話を通して伝わってきて、いつの間に彼女の作品は奇麗だけではなく、温かみのある商品にも感じてきました。作者(ひと)を知り、物がもっと美しく見えるってこういうことですね。手作りと言っても、とてもセンスのある作品で、とくにミシンのチャイムが好きです。眺めるだけで、心が和みます。

1 comment:

IzzyInBliss said...

Looks very beautiful! Is it a mirror? It always feels good to buy something from the person who made it directly, knowing the thought and care put into making it. Feels so much more meaningful than when we buy from a big superstore, where you know the machine/person who made it doesn't really care except to make as many as possible, as quickly as possible. Can't wait to see where you put it!