Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chris Doyle & Wong Kar Wai Love Fest

I'm a big fan of Christopher Doyle and Wong Kar Wai. I've never been sure what's truly at the heart of my infatuation—Doyle's cinematography, or Wong's storytelling. It was one of the questions lurking at the back of my mind when hubby and I decided to do our own in-home film fest of all of Wong Kar Wai's movies. We've gone through four of his early films so far.


As Tears Go By いますぐ抱きしめたい
Chungking Express (twice!) 恋する惑星(二回!)
Fallen Angels (twice!) 天使の涙(二回!)
Ashes of Time 楽園の瑕

Based on what we've seen, I suspect it's really Chris Doyle I'm in love with.

"As Tears Go By" was the only film I felt let down by. While I loved it when I first saw it as a kid, it felt awfully outdated and over-acted today. It's the only one of the four films that's not shot by Chris Doyle.

On the other hand, the other three films still felt fresh and mesmerizing. I enjoyed them as much as, if not more than, when I first saw them. And a big reason why is how powerful and seductive Chris Doyle's cinematography continues to feel despite all the time that's passed.

Next up in our home film fest: Days of Being Wild, In the Mood for Love, and Room 2046.






blueberrydream said...

I loved Wong Kar Wai's films too. But never realized that the main reason maybe Chris Doyle!! Need to try seeing them again!!

Actually I had seen Room2046... but I don't like it that much... Maybe too artistic, hard to understand. I haven't see In the mood for love too, maybe I should borrow it this weekend to see the difference too!!

IzzyInBliss said...

You absolutely have to see "In the Mood for Love"! It's one of my favorite movies of all time. Every time I walk out of that movie, my heart feels so much longing and pent up love that I feel like I can fall in love with a lamp-post!