Monday, October 25, 2010

Slippers for a rainy day

It was a dreary, rainy weekend in San Francisco after l'il sis left. I hunkered down at home, and went to work with my hands. And here's the result! A cute footsie of smiles for a rainy day!

As a starting point, I found a cute pattern on Sugar'n Cream's website. But I wanted to use some odd skeins of leftover yarn, so I had to improvise in terms of the color patterns. My color scheme looked a little too old and "granny-like," so I decided to put the flower off-center to make it more lively. I also added a little Maryjane strap to make it look cuter—and also to help keep it on my feet better! This also allowed me to use some buttons that's been sitting in my craft box for over 10 years!


blueberrydream said...

Oh my god, this is amazingly cute!!! I need a pair too... oh now I get it!!♫ Is that why u asked my shoe size?! :)

IzzyInBliss said...

Ah yes, yes... keep guessing ;-)